Finsterkarsee and -spitz, Großes Bärneck

What would the other side of the mountain look like? Would the grass be greener there? We can only know that if we go up. What I can tell you is that it is definitely worth it. This time, we will go via the Finskarsee and the Finsterkarspitz to the Großes Bärneck.


4 hours

The Sölktal as seen from Finsterkarspitz

Last time, we hiked to the Finsterkaralm from our village. This time, we are making it a little easier for ourselves. We take the chairlift to the middle station. There we take a left and hike to Finsterkar Alm. At Finsterkar Alm, we refill our drinking cans with mountain water before starting the climb.

Our first next stop is the Finsterkarsee. Small but lovely. We then ascend further to the Finsterkarspitz. But along the way, we still turn around a few times to photograph some stunning mountain landscapes.

On arrival at the Finsterkarspitz, our stomachs are already growling a bit. So we look for a spot with a breathtaking view to have our picnic. We then move on to the Großes Bärneck. A little past the Großes Bärneck, we take a right to the Morsbachwirt. There we have a drink on the terrace. After that, we get a bit lazy. So we call the non-hikers to pick us up at the summer car park.

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