Breathtaking views of the Grimming, Schladminger Tauern and Dead Mountains

The tourist office in Donnerbachwald organises regular guided walks during the tourist season. Usually there are sheets with the weekly programme on the right on the windowsill. Occasionally we participate to these because it is fun to meet new people but also because they sometimes take alternative paths.
The guided hike we chose starts at the car park at Planneralm. We wait for a while until the group is complete and everyone has paid their (small) fee for the guide. After that, we hit the road.
We start past the Grimmingblick hotel and follow route 902. We walk left above the Kothüttensee to the ridge. At the top of the ridge, we are already enjoying first impressions. The route is well signposted. We follow the arrows to the Karlspitze where we take a rest and write our names in the book.

From the Karlspitze, we continue to the Schoberspitze (2126 m). It is a beautiful summer day. What a wonderful place it is here. We have a 360-degree view of the Grimming, the Schladminger Tauer and the Dead Mountains, among others. The place is swarming with flies but we’ll take that for granted. (By the way, this is why it is better to picnic on the Karlspitze and not on the Schoberspitze).
Most hikers choose to take the same route back. Our guide chooses another option. We descend a bit by the same road. We then turn left towards the Karlseen. You will also return to the Planneralm via this route. However, the guide has something else in her mind. Using an alternative path, she takes us to Schrabachalm. First, we pass beautiful desolate house. A little further, we get another friend.

At the Schrabachalm, we can have a nice dinner and a drink. We then continued our trek to the Planneralm. We had a tiring but enjoyable day.